Partner Capacity Strengthening: A Toolkit for Small NGOs

This toolkit, released with four other toolkits for small charities, was produced by INTRAC as part of the programme "Strengthening Small Organisations with Big Ambitions". This programme was funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) through a Small Charities Challenge Fund (SCCF) Capacity Development Grant. Dowloadable PDF versions of all five toolkits are available on the INTRAC website here.

This toolkit is licensed under the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

About the author

Catherine Squire is a consultant, trainer and facilitator. She is particularly interested in tailoring resources for smaller and medium-sized NGOs.

Catherine has 35 years’ experience of working with international development agencies. Since starting her freelance work in 2000, she has focussed on capacity building practice for small and medium sized organisations – including developing strategy, building skills, governance, leadership and organisational values.


This toolkit was designed based on the needs of the small charities that enrolled in the programme "Strengthening small organisations with Big Ambitions", particularly those who attended Partner Capacity Strengthening Training, and benefitted from feedback from some of them.

  • Drawings by Bill Crooks

  • Graphic design by Andy Johnson

  • Programme coordination by Annalisa Addis

Author's Acknowledgements

Almost all the ideas, tools and framing in this guide have been drawn from or inspired by others.

INTRAC's staff and consultants who bring so much practical experience and a values-led approach, and in particular Bruce Britton, Rick James, and Brenda Lipson. Their writings and guidance are the foundation of this toolkit.

The inspirational work of CDRA and the Barefoot Guide Collective in South Africa: their engaging and freely available guides provide an empowering vision for what community development should be all about.

Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge who brings wisdom and personal accountability to the profession of Organization Development.

Fellow members of the Framework collective who have generously shared their experience and resources to shape the thinking in this toolkit.

Thank you.

Last updated